I have some spare seeds meanwhile I'm looking for Achimenes , Eucodonia , Kohleria , Pearcea , Seemannia , Smithiantha and the other rhizomatous Gesneriad genera (seed/rhizome of a species or rhizome of a hybrid are all fine). If below seed offer may generate your interest to make the exchange with me, please feel free to email me for details. Thanks.
S01 - Gloxinella
S02 - Kohleria
Beltane x Pink Shadows
S03 - Kohleria HCY's Russian Roulette x Pink Shadows
S04 - Smithiantha
(Pat's Pet Cougar x An's Hybrid)
x Maggie's Andorra
S05 - Smithiantha
(Peach Blush x self)
x (Maggie's Andorra x Tropical
S06 - Smithiantha
Ezra Alamont x Formosa Clouded
S07 - Sinningia sellovii
S08 - Sinningia speciosa (Carangola HY) x speciosa (Red)
S09 - Sinningia speciosa (Blue HY) x speciosa Cardoso Moreira