
Sale and show in Taipei on 10th December

Many tables for display and sale ... You may find something new or rare at that day.


Early bird

It just took about 2 months from rhizome to flower, I did not look forward to seeing the blooms quickly while others still grow normally.


Long time no see ... Eucodonia

Fuzzy plant with lovely flowers ... the color is cool in the tender autumn. I do like these rhizomatous gesneriads.


Cool Episcia

Episcia 'Blue Heaven' tolerates with cooler seasons in Taipei. It doesn't frustrate me during the cold winter.

Blue Heaven

Chocolate Cream



The wise man says "There is no garden without its weeds." That's what I follow. XD


They are hardy plants

They usually bloom in the summer.
They are neat and compact.
Sometimes they produce stolons.


Primulina sinovietnamica

Primulina sinovietnamica is a new species original from the limestone area in Guangxi, China and nearby boarder area in Vietnam. There are many types of foliage pattern, all of them are cute and lovely.


Primulina yungfuensis

It's a miniature & variegated plant and easy to look after. The lavender flower is a bonus.


Kohleria warszewiczii

Kohleria warszewiczii is native to Colombia. It has an unusual color combination which is striking and impressive.


Columnea schiedeana

Native in southern Mexico , Columnea schiedeana is a unique plant in comparison with other Columnea species. The flowers are patterned with leopard markings. It is tolerance to high temperature in summer, therefore it is easy to grow this species in Taiwan.


Season of Sinningia

Time to say Sinningia !!!


4/16 Gesneriads Reunion

Just sharing plant photos. :-)