
線葉唇柱苣苔 - Primulina linearifolia

The flowers are always on time every year , soft pink and brilliant. The name refers to its foliage , it is one of a kind in the Primulina family.


菱葉報春苣苔 - Primulina subrhomboidea

A very slow-growing species , it takes a long time to wait for the flowers. But it's worth after seeing the healthy plant with full blooms. A typical Primulina flower shape but the foliage is characteristic.

台灣早期從日本或美國回來的皮草中,曾經有過Primulina subrhomboidea這個品種在台灣流通,如以本篇植物圖片所呈現的品種樣式來看,過去的名字很有可能是誤植了很長一段時間。目前還是以專家告知的資訊,作為品種名標示的依據。