The parentage background is rare, but the plant looks fine and grows fine. It also shows that we can always give Sinningia a try despite we know or we don't know if we are doing something on the off chance.
an odd Sinningia (Sinn. Windsor's Disillusion)
This Sinningia hybrid comes from a special cross which is considered as infertile combination. The parentage information is like [mini Sinn. x Sinn. speciosa] x mini Sinn. I don't have correct variety name of this cross, the hybridizer is Mr. YMF and this is the only 1 seedling he got.
The parentage background is rare, but the plant looks fine and grows fine. It also shows that we can always give Sinningia a try despite we know or we don't know if we are doing something on the off chance.
The parentage background is rare, but the plant looks fine and grows fine. It also shows that we can always give Sinningia a try despite we know or we don't know if we are doing something on the off chance.
Gesneriads in Bangkok
Thailand , a very interesting country to me. Bangkok is a capital city of this kingdom. Thai people are friendly, thai foods are yummy and there are many gardening stuff too see. Hot-growing Gesneriads are easy to find in the flower markets, especially the Aeschynanthus and Episcia.
Achimenes 2014
My Achimenes seem happy after they were waked up this year, they do pretty well so far. Because the summer is too hot to evaporated the water within couple days before I have time to re-water the plants. This year I used tray to keep water for my Achimenes ... so far so good. Hopefully the reward will be good as well.
unknown Aeschynanthus
A commercial plant in Cameron Highland. I don't know its name but I like it a lot. The flower is much bigger than the leaves, thus the red lipstick is very showy.
Musim Panas Sekarang
Tidak ada Gesneriads yang bagus dan cantik di musim panas.
Saya punya hanya beberapa foto untuk update blog ini.
Jadi itu musim ini adalah musim lambat karena terlalu panas.
Tetapi saya punya banyak biji Sinningia dan Kohleria.
Mungkin saya harus pergi ke perjalanan di musim ini. :-)
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