
The variegated Kohleria

My definition of variegated Kohleria refers to those Kohleria species or hybrids that exhibit beautiful leaves with interesting color patterns. They got mixed colors or special pigments such as grey, rosy, black or velvet texture on their leaves, not only green.

Koh. Sunshine , nice variegated leaf and long-lasting flower.

Koh. Designer's Star Shimmer , the offspring of Koh. Sunshine.

At the beginning, the Kohleria was introduced into cultivation for its outstanding and exotic flowers. Recently more and more Kohleria hybrids are coming with stunning colors and patterns on their leaves. This is quite interesting that the showy leaves are the hereditary character from the Kohleria species, this means these variegated leaves could be received by the offspring through pollination.

The modern Kohleria hybrids are the complex combination made by different species. From existing cross tips, we understand the Kohleria amabilis and bogotensis are usually used in hybridization and the offspring usually shows the variegated leaves. The leaf color of the offspring could be black, green with dark veins, dark with grey veins ... and such characters depend on the other parent as well. For example, the John Boggan's well-known hybrids "Silver Feather", "Green Goblin" and "Pink Shadows" are the available hybrids made by the mentioned Kohleria species. In fact, there are some old Kohleria cultivars that have beautiful leaves in different way. Although it's hard to know their cross information, I recommend Kohleria "Sunshine" and "Red Ryder", both are pretty in their leaves and flowers. Some of my own Kohleria hybrids exhibits the variegated foliage with interesting colors and patterns. The "Designer's Floral Dress" (Koh. Carl x Bibbi) comes with light grey covering in the center of velvet green leaf while the "Designer's Jewel Case" (Koh. Sunshine x unknown red) exhibits grey leaf like the skin color of white rhinos.

Koh. Designer's Jewel Case , compact grower.

Koh. Designer's Floral Dress , tall grower.

To grow these Kohlerias with variegated leaves, the plant needs enough light as much as it acclimates and a continuous fertilizer supply is a must. About 50-60% humidity is ideal to smooth and fully spread the foliage and the average temperature for growing is 25 degrees Celsius (+ or -). When the weather becomes cold (less than 20 degrees Celsius), do not let the water stay on the leaf over night to avoid the brown spots that are damaged by the freezing water at night. The Kohleria leaf usually gives the best color contrast before blooming, but when the plant becomes older, the featured color may be slowly faded away.

One of my Kohleria hybridization target is to present a harmony combination of the variegated leaves and striking flowers, so that Kohleria could be pleasing to the eyes during its entire growth. In my experience, when the pollen and seed parents are heritage of the variegated Kohleria, they are capable to create variegated offspring with certain percentage.

The seedlings of variegated Kohleria , see the variation of the color , very interesting patterns.

