
Primulina ningmingensis 寧明報春苣苔

This plant was exhibited in the recent Gesneriads show in Taipei. The color of the flower is bright pink , quite out of the ordinary in Primulina family.

Wish you a happy new year 2025.


Primulina longzhouensis

Primulina longzhouensis is a miniature species in comparison with those traditional cultivars of Primulina (Chirita). Its habitat is in the limestone areas in Guangxi, China. The tiny flowers smells like the almond milk with creamy and nutty flavor.


It's cold but colorful

It's winter now, the weather is cold and grey (lack of sunshine) here in Taipei. Fortunately we have colorful Smithiantha to brighten up our greenhouse.


Primulina Summer Song

Classic lavender blue blooms. Easy bloomer. The foliage is tight and rosette growing. The blooms can be a lot from a well-developed plant.


Right time for Smithiantha

Winter is coming here , the best time of the Smithiantha in the subtropical Taiwan. Cool to warm during the day but a bit cooler at night, the plant thrives.


New Appearance

About an year ago, I got a young plant from a friend when I met him in a local plant show. He is a gesneriad hybridizer, especially the Primulina. He gave this miniature hybrid to me. I knew it's a Primulina but I have no idea what it was because it was a new appearance to me.

The parent plants of this hybrid are new the public , I guess.  But I don't have any further information. The members of Primulina are increasing in the last decade. Too new to know them all Orz.


Red and veining

It looks good to me.


Sinningia Seedlings

It's the right time to raise these seedlings, the Sinningia takes only a few months to bloom. It's worthwhile for me who can't stand waiting.


The end of August

Hopefully next month will be cooler, then the colorful blooming season of Smithiantha can be expected.


Distinctive Sinningia

Many hybrid enthusiasts are looking for both beautiful leaves and blooms presenting on a Sinningia. It seems workable because we have some species in hand and they are distinctive in their leaves or blooms. Just need an idea about how to exactly combine the characters in a new plant. :)


Tough Summertime

Only Episcia is happy :-)


Primulina wentsaii

It requires direct sunlight and mixed rocky medium according to the limestone habitat. Primulina wentsaii is characteristic plant and absolutely not a greenhouse flower.


Tiny Wood Trail

Tiny Wood Trail (L.Ray).
Single blue bell. Miniature trailer.

It grows well in the greenhouse and easy to bloom.


Eye candy for always

Two Sinningia pants that are easy to see the flowers above the foliage. Never let me down.


Primulina liujiangensis

Easy plant with beautiful foliage and flowers.


Two Primulina pungentisepala

Primulina is a very interesting plant ... sometimes the variation within a same species makes me confused. I show you 2 Primulina pungentisepala , the flowers are similar but the foliage don't.


Primulina heterochroa x pungentisepala

Unfortunately , the color is not deep yellow or ocher as P. heterochroa. Only some seedlings show light yellow and most of them are lavender.


Early Spring

Just a few flowers in this early spring ... it's cold tonight.


Smithiantha after cold snap

The growth of Smithiantha doesn't stop and keep blooming although the temp. dropped down to Celsius 6 degrees during the past week.

Designer's Clown Festival
