
Sinningia Seedlings

It's the right time to raise these seedlings, the Sinningia takes only a few months to bloom. It's worthwhile for me who can't stand waiting.


The end of August

Hopefully next month will be cooler, then the colorful blooming season of Smithiantha can be expected.


Distinctive Sinningia

Many hybrid enthusiasts are looking for both beautiful leaves and blooms presenting on a Sinningia. It seems workable because we have some species in hand and they are distinctive in their leaves or blooms. Just need an idea about how to exactly combine the characters in a new plant. :)


Tough Summertime

Only Episcia is happy :-)


Primulina wentsaii

It requires direct sunlight and mixed rocky medium according to the limestone habitat. Primulina wentsaii is characteristic plant and absolutely not a greenhouse flower.


Tiny Wood Trail

Tiny Wood Trail (L.Ray).
Single blue bell. Miniature trailer.

It grows well in the greenhouse and easy to bloom.