
Sinn. Pirate's Aloha Atoll, Pirate's Engaging Ring, Pirate's Mustache

Again, beautiful flowers at beautiful moment.

Sinn. Pirate's Aloha Atoll combined the purple and white, without complicated or fancy patterns at all. The plant size is a bit huge among mini Sinn. but luckily the bloom capability is good. So the whole plant still keeps its proportion balanced.

Although this is an old hybrid of my own, Pirate's Engaging Ring is one of the most commonly seen Pirate's mini Sinn. that you can get from the growers or sellers. The plant is cute, small and smooth, sometimes it blooms with semi double.

I must say Pirate's Mustache is also a huge mini Sinn. but the foliage is neat and flat which makes it a good base to show many light blue flowers above. For this kind of mini Sinn. , no need to complain the plant size because the flowers make you up.

