
Designer's Bridal Saree

One of my previous Smithiantha hybrids and I always have this one in my best parentage list for hybridization. It is a very strong plant that can produce dense inflorescence / flower cluster which is the essential character for a showy Smithiantha.


Some rare members in Gesneriads family

As Gesneriaceae is a big family , there are new members from time to time ... let me use this photo to show the variety of the Gesneriaceae in the new year.

Photo Courtesy of JJ Wu , who owns Jung's hybrid series ... the variety name in the photo is listed as below :

龍勝金盞苣苔 Oreocharis lungshengensis
越南折筒苣苔 Michaelmoelleria vietnamensis
藍痕奇柱苣苔交種 Deinostigma Jung's Cloud Dance 榮的雲之舞
愛伯翰奇柱苣苔 Deinostigma eberhardtii
俄式草 Titanotrichum oldhamii