
Chirita linearifolia x Chirita fimbrisepala

I got this plant 2 months ago , it should be a hybrid from Japan. It grows fastly after refreshed the soil. Not sure its potential but the tender color of the bloom adores me.

3 則留言:

  1. Hi,

    Where are places in Taipei that one can purchase episcias? I know that you have the weekend flower and plant market under a highway in town. Are there places that you can recommend? Thanks, lt

  2. no need to doubt.....it looks exactly like between P. linearifolia and P. fimbrisepala, these two species got the same flowering period.

  3. Hi LT , no one sells episcias now, too cold. Maybe you can find some in Summer at Taipei Jianguo Weekend Market like you mentioned. But most people buys it on-line.

    Thanks Exodus for your comments, but I don't have C. linearifolia and C. fimbrisepala. :-) Both species seem not easy to grow.
