

If the weather keeps warm , it seems I can have this Kohleria seedling in bloom within a couple weeks. This is the first-born of all my Kohleria seedlings. This plant is less than 25 cm height but with many flower buds, the most is 5 per single stalk as I can see now. Hopefully the flower pattern will be ok as this one may be a heavy bloomer.

I like the stalk of Kohleria that can carry buds 2-3cm away the leaf axil because this will help all flowers to stand upright to show on above the foliage. Expecially when the Kohleria is a floribunda, this kind of stalk will perform all bloom well.

3 則留言:

  1. How can I stop my eye to look at your Kol.
    That's a wonderful sp.
    Blessing you

  2. Hi Mr. Pruns,
    You're a warm person. Thanks. XD

  3. 看得我好期待啊,希望很快能看到更新的照片!
