
Primulina Mineko

The flowers are showy as they are extremely BIG !!! A must have if you're into the fancy flowers of Primulina.


Primulina linearifolia

It blooms on time every year announcing that the spring is coming soon. I tried to make some pollination with it last weekend.


Sinningia nordestina

It doesn't look like a Sinningia species. After the dormancy in summer, we usually grow it in autumn white the tuber sprouts. It grows quickly and blooms in early spring.


Primulina diffusa 匐莖報春苣苔

P. diffusa is a stoloniferous species of Primulina that has been found growing on limestone rocks in southern province Guangxi, China. I got one from a friend a few months ago and it blooms now.


Primulina ningmingensis 寧明報春苣苔

This plant was exhibited in the recent Gesneriads show in Taipei. The color of the flower is bright pink , quite out of the ordinary in Primulina family.

Wish you a happy new year 2025.


Primulina longzhouensis

Primulina longzhouensis is a miniature species in comparison with those traditional cultivars of Primulina (Chirita). Its habitat is in the limestone areas in Guangxi, China. The tiny flowers smells like the almond milk with creamy and nutty flavor.


It's cold but colorful

It's winter now, the weather is cold and grey (lack of sunshine) here in Taipei. Fortunately we have colorful Smithiantha to brighten up our greenhouse.